A welcome return

In December 2022, when out walking with the family at Lyme Park I managed to fall over and shoulder charge the ground. Result; a full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon with a moderate volume of bursal and joint effusion – that’s a soft tissue rotator cuff injury in plain language. What it boiled down was that it hurt like hell and, being the right shoulder completely stopped me from painting. Ignore the fact that I managed to let 2022 go by and only posted a a few bits and pieces of art on Facebook, the plan was to do a big catch up at the end of the year…ha should know better..

So now it’s June 2023 and at long last my shoulder has improved enough for me to start painting again. If I need surgery of course (which has still to be decided), there could be a further interruption.

By way of catch up here are some of my latest offerings – in reverse chronological order.

Annual trip to the Lakes May-June 2023

Just at the bottom of the field from the cottage the old field gate made a suitable foreground. This view is across the Gretta to the Newlands Valley, with Low Rigg, High Rigg, and Wren Crag on the right (west) and Helvwlyn in the distance on the left (southeast).

Helvelyn from “The Hoggest” I – SOLD
Mixed Media; Watercolour, Wax Crayon, Inks and Pastel
Rough paper 16 x 12, En Plein Air

Walking out from the cottage east towards Threkeld one does not have to go far to find splendid open woodland. We were blessed with good weather and I was rather taken with this long view of light and shade – also towards Helvelyn -through the trees

Helvelyn from “The Hoggest” II,
Mixed media; Watercolour, Wax Crayon, Inks and Pastel
Rough paper, 12 x 16, En Plein Air

Having developed a taste for painting flowers (through the necessity of lockdown) I spent a happy morning studying the Rhododendron. The garden was, as they say immature, the property is newly converted. Im sure this specimen will grow much larger…I know these are not native but the flowers are spectacular.

Mixed Media; Watercolour, Wax Crayon, Pen and Pastel
Rough Paper 12×16, En Plein Air

Earlier In April-May 2023

Those of you who follow the Fish walks posted on Facebook by Kate will be aware that most Saturdays we take off into the Dales. Despite the shoulder I was chomping at the bit to do some sketching and captured this scene from the banks of the Wharfe at Appletreewick. It is one of our favourite walks and one of my favourite views. I worked the sketch up as a studio piece at the beginning of May.

River Wharfe at Appletreewick
Mixed Media; Watercolour, Wax Crayon, Inks and Pastels,
Rough Paper, 16 x 12, Studio Picture from en plain air sketch

Before the Fall

It seems ages ago now. By the time I did my previous Christmas card I had exhausted my source material – you may have noticed it doesn’t show all that much. I was mightily glad it snowed in November 2021. We had a great day out mostly visiting the Hawes Dairy for Christmas fare. I managed to get a set of photographs and thought this was a suitably scene for the annual Christmas Card in 2022.

Christmas Card
Winter Sun Hylands Bridge, Hawes, Wensleydale
Watercolour 16 x 10 Studio Painting

2022 – its gone…do try and post more frequently in future!