Even in lockdown we were lucky with the timing so we haven’t missed a year for this September fixture. The mixed weather is a mixed blessing – when it rains I can use fresh source material and paint in the flat. It rained on two days this year so I managed to do two studio watercolours.
The first is a view of Addleboroug from the path on the other sider of the valley above the village of Woodhall.

The second is the farm of Litherslack (got to love the name). Its on the route from Askrigg to Hardraw.

I also managed a couple of 10″x7″ pen and wash sketches
The first is Yore Bridge at Bainbridge

The second is the view of the River Ure looking towards the bridge at Worton (one day I’ll get lucky and see a Kingfisher)

Finally some extracts from my sketchbook